Personal Growth Articles
503 544-8857
Clarity about your skills and capabilities can make a difference in your company's bottom line. The sooner you get a handle on those things the better off you and your staff will be.
Jim brings his defogger and accelerator skills to helping you find your way with articles that have advice like this:
"Is Bandwidth Slowing You Down?
Bandwidth isn’t just about the Internet. In fact, the idea was in active use well before the Internet came into existence. In 1948 information theory mathematician Claude Shannon explained bandwidth as the maximum transmission rate that a conduit can provide without error. It’s a small step to think of your organization as a communication path, and from that to you and your leaders as conduits of information and direction. Doubt it? Every executive I’ve met lives waist deep, surrounded by 360-degree fire hoses, trying to effectively direct the flow without drowning.
SPEED BUMP:Capacity to grow is enabled and limited by bandwidth."
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